Category Archives: General Business

Browser Statistics and Trends

Statistics are important information.

From the statistics below (collected from W3Schools’ log-files since 2002), you can read the long term trends of browser usage.

We see that Google Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer are the most used browsers today.

Internet Censorship World Map

In developed countries, it’s easy to take the Internet for granted. It’s such a big part of our lives, and access is so readily available, that imagining life without the web seems crazy. But it’s not crazy — many regions around the world have limited or no access to the Internet. And even worse in some ways, many people in regions that do have Internet access are subject to infuriating amounts of censorship.

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Communication Skills Training: body language secrets, speaking with confidence, magic responses++
Communication Skills Training- Effective communication skills training videos brought to you by Dan O’Connor. Learn English listening skills, business communication skills, how to read body language, body language techniques, English communication skills for the telephone, how to deal with difficult people at work, how to manage horrible bosses, power phrases for work, danger phrases for work, body language secrets, professional telephone skills, job interview skills, English customer service skills, how to avoid giving terrible customer service, customer service training and more. Our online communication skills training classes, communication training workshops, and communication skills training webinars can be enjoyed live or online anywhere in the world.

In this online communication training video, you’ll learn body language strategies, power phrases for work, power phrases for home, danger phrases for work and home,. dealing with difficult people techniques, communication strategies for work, English communication skills, professional telephone skills, and more.

If you’re looking to improve communication skills at work or with your boyfriend or girlfriend, or just looking to improve your professional communication skills, effective communication skills training videos by communication expert and motivational keynote speaker Dan O’Connor can help. Simply looking to improve your English customer service skills? We’ve got you covered.

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